Monday, October 19, 2009

Would You Marry Me?

A friend of mine emailed me today, saying she cried while watching Tyler Perry's movie "Daddy's Little Girls," lamenting the almost critical shortage of men who are ready and willing to be in a committed, mature relationship.

I know she isn' t the last and only woman out there, who's thinking the same thing. In a time and age where relationships can be perceived as an obligation, 'a ball and chain', perceptions that would drive the commitment-phobics to the ends of the Earth, I'd like to think- no believe- that there are some good, honest, decent, intelligent and emotionally mature/available men who are currently considering the idea of a committed, monogomous relationship..maybe even the "M" word.

So my question to you *men* is: "Would You Marry Me?"
Would you marry me, even if I was from a different race and ethnic background?
Would you marry me, even if was divorced with a child or a single mom?
Would you marry me in spite of my being from another country, still acclimating to the American lifestyle and culture, and still at odds with parts of it?
Would you marry me even if I was older than you?
Would you marry me even if I had goals of pursuing further studies?
Would you marry me, and feel emotionally and mentally comfortable with my desires and dreams?
Would you marry me, if I was serving in the military?

These are questions I'm curious to have answered. I wonder what are some issues or questions men have, when it comes to being in relationships, getting to know someone on their emotional and/or mental level but then the spark fizzles and disspates.

I'd love to hear men's comments and ideas.. on my hypothetical questions and understand your perspective. Please drop me a line sometime.